What You Want: 83 Degrees Media Reader Survey

Why do you read 83 Degrees Media and what do you think about the stories within?

That was the open-ended question we asked and, wow, did you respond. Thanks very much to those who participated in our recent reader survey. Please know that we take every comment seriously, appreciate the compliments and constructive criticism that you share and are working to expand and improve what we do.

Here are a few reader responses.

Relevant, Credible, Helpful

"Your publication is the very best source of information about what is going on in our community. Your interest in innovative activities that support and activate the urban sphere is just what Tampa needs. In addition, 83 Degrees articles are well-written, usually visually compelling, and help keep me up to date on issues that are of primary interest to me.''

"I find 83 Degrees to be the best online source for important news and information in Tampa Bay.''

"Very timely, upbeat, relevant content. Easy to read and entertaining.''

"83 Degrees is a "must read' for anyone interested in the Tampa Bay community. Readers are given insights into events, people and places that make up the fabric of this remarkable area that we live in. I am a Tampa semi-native and when I read 83 Degrees I am fascinated to learn about people in the business, arts and education communities. The articles are well-written and go beyond just reporting. 83 Degrees focuses on the people of Tampa Bay that impact our community as a whole! Well done!!!''

"The information is well-written, relevant and interesting to me. (Though I do feel a lot of the content is skewed toward younger business people.) I always find a useful nugget or learn something new. Thanks!''

"Content, content, content! It is interesting and speaks to what is right with Tampa Bay.''

"I love the stories about my town. I have 83 Degrees as my home page. I love reading it every day. Can be uplifting considering our economy. And it keeps me up to date on what's coming and what is going here in Tampa. I think everyone in Tampa should keep 83 Degrees as their home page.''

"Because it is a wonderful way to keep up with things I am interested in in the Tampa Bay area, and because it is so well done.''

"I read 83 Degrees Media to gain insight into the business world and things happening in the area. Love it!''

"I think that you offer insights and glimpses of segments of our community that is not readily found. Also not many publications that I see talk about the new jobs market found in your publication.''

"83 Degrees is a great source of Tampa Bay business news.''

"The stories are fun to read, and most of the content is relevant to me and my life/community.''

"83 Degrees covers different issues than newspapers do, not just headline news, but things that interest me as a citizen in our community.''

"I am the director of a public interest think tank; our vision-mission-goal is Florida first in quality of life. 83 Degrees has information that we need to help us develop our programs.''

"Yours are interesting articles covering relevant topics. You do a good job introducing me to new things in Tampa. Keep up the good work!''

"83 Degrees talks about issues/news that are relevant to my life, work and clients.''

"For the local tech flavor. We do business all around the globe, but we're a homegrown local software company. Good to stay grounded in -- and connected to -- the local technology pulse.''

Fresh, Timely, Current

"Very fresh content and very positive.''

"You have a pulse on forward thinking people in the Tampa Bay Area. There are few-to-no other media outlets that do. 83 Degrees is the oxygen in the room.''

"Because it is current, innovative and relevant.''

"To stay current with community happenings, especially as it relates to companies. Part of our services includes job development and placement for our clients.''

"I read the publication in order to stay abreast of what is happening in the Tampa Bay area. As to use of your sponsors, I would consider them if their service is applicable to my business, which is real estate and property management.''

"Your publication keeps me updated on events in Tampa. I have learned a lot of interesting things, and I would probably not have gone to the Gecko Festival this past Labor Day weekend if I had not read about it in 83 Degrees. Please continue your good reporting.''

Unique, Special, Different

"You cover stories other publications don't.''

"I like the positive approach to the stories and the fact that they highlight interesting people not recognized in other media.''

"I like how you cover positive stories in the Tampa Bay region and focus on growth, innovation, creativity and cool things happening.''

"I like the positive orientation and focus on the local Tampa Bay area community. I learn something new from nearly every edition.''

"To keep abreast of local happenings, especially in the technology field. You seem to cover news/ items that I wouldn't have known about otherwise.''

"You provide in-depth coverage not seen in any other Tampa Bay media outlet.''

"83 Degrees offers a platform for unique news, which I may not see in other places or if I do, it's much later.''

"Stories you carry don't appear elsewhere.''

"I've been able to find out about unique events of interest in the Tampa Bay area.''

"Great alternative news coverage and focus on cutting-edge economic development issues.''

"83 Degrees is an opportunity to read positive news, something not offered as completely by the local newspapers. In addition, I find more about nonprofits and schools in your e-zine.''

"Great stories I don't see anywhere else!''

"This publication has information that you do not find anywhere else.''

"You have great articles and I find things I believe I would never know about if I didn't get your newsletter.''

"It's another avenue to get local news. Small publications are the only ones who will still do it as large media outlets are now homogenized, offering the same stories across multiple markets.''

"83 Degrees is local content that doesn't mirror other media in town.''

Features, Photos, Connections

"The photos are spectacular. My heart swells with pride with each story I read about the interesting people and successful employers we have throughout Tampa Bay.''

"Terrific features!!! Keep up the awesome work!!!''

"I enjoy the good news stories and opportunities to learn about great groups that are out there so I can connect with them.''

"I look for creative opportunities to connect with other businesses / people to expand my client base. I also forward items of interest to people I know who may be interested in posted ads or articles (e.g. development news and job opportunities). 83 Degrees also keeps me informed of local events and happenings which are always interesting and offer unique things to do in my rarely available down time. Thanks!''

"It provides information for the surrounding communities and I like that approach.''

"I like reading your Development News section. It is very helpful to know when projects are being considered, property is being purchased, potential project details as early as possible. The rest is a good read too!!''

"I think your publication is very nicely designed, the articles are interesting and focus on the brighter sides of Tampa. I also find it very enthusiastic about the region and it inspires me to be more excited and hopeful about living here.''

"To find out what is going on in the Tampa Bay area and to read interesting articles about the people of Tampa who are making a difference professionally as well as in the community.''

"Your publication is a great source for art, business and innovation news in the Tampa Bay area.''

"Interesting stories, good graphic design (a rarity here for some reason), and hipper than most business-focused news sources -- a bit like a local version of Fast Company. Keep it up.''

"I like to see what's happening in our Tampa / St. Pete real estate market, who's building new buildings and what companies are undergoing interior / exterior renovations projects. I also follow arts and cultural real estate business to better integrate arts with architecture and interior design building better community.''

"I like the innovation angle -- information / news I can't get from other media. Several of your sponsors are clients or prospects of interest and I know you write about them, so this let's me keep up with their news too. Also, I am overall interested in the creative class, entrepreneurial initiatives, what's moving our community forward, so your format aligns with that. However, I wish your site/ format was more engaging.''

More, More, More

"I'm interested in nonprofit organizations and people that help them.''

"More information on happenings in the area.''

"Not enough minority and ethnic news. Minorities make up 43 percent of the population and growing.''

"More in-depth stories would be nice, less boosterism.''

"Because it is positive, is full of upbeat, progressive and good news about what is going right all around us! I so appreciate it, as virtually everything else is permeated with the negative. GO! GO! GO!''

"83 Degrees really has its finger on the pulse of what's happening in the Tampa Bay area, and offers up a broad spectrum of "events' and news about the progress we are making and the positive things about the Bay area that the "traditional'' media doesn't bother to suss out. I'm tired of the "if it bleeds, it leads'' mentality of the ambulance-chasing MSM (mainstream media), and want to read about arts, culture, economic development, educational programs, books, and positive stories about people who are making a difference. Thanks for the great work, and we all look forward to much more from you and your team!''

Diane Egner, a former Tampa Tribune editorial writer and WUSF content director, is publisher and managing editor of 83 Degrees Media. Comments? Looking for a positive branding experience? Want to partner / underwrite or advertise? Contact 83 Degrees.

Read more articles by Diane Egner.

Diane Egner is a community leader and award-winning journalist with more than four decades of experience reporting and writing about the Tampa Bay Area of Florida. She serves on the boards of the University of South Florida Zimmerman School of Advertising & Mass Communications Advisory Council, The Institute for Research in Art (Graphicstudio, the Contemporary Art Museum, and USF’s Public Art Program) Community Advisory Council, Sing Out and Read, and StageWorks Theatre Advisory Council. She also is a member of Leadership Florida and the Athena Society. A graduate of the University of Minnesota with a BA in journalism, she won the top statewide award for editorial writing from the Florida Society of Newspaper Editors while at The Tampa Tribune and received special recognition by the Tampa Bay Association of Black Journalists for creative work as Content Director at WUSF Public Media. Past accomplishments and community service include leadership positions with Tampa Tiger Bay Club, USF Women in Leadership & Philanthropy (WLP), Alpha House of Tampa Bay, Awesome Tampa Bay, Florida Kinship Center, AIA Tampa Bay, Powerstories, Arts Council of Hillsborough County, and the Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce. Diane and her husband, Sandy Rief, live in Tampa.  
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