technology :Featured Stories

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Feature Story The NEWgenerator has received more than $2 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Tampa Bay’s CADE winners develop innovative technologies

Feature Story Betty and Ed Rosenthal of Florikan, right, check ground control plants with a NASA scientist at the Veggie Lab at Kennedy Space Center.

NASA opens patent portfolio to HCC, USF students in Tampa

Feature Story SaLisa Berrien, who received $100,000 Black Founders Fund award from Google for Startups, is expanding COI Energy, a Tampa-based company, across the United States.

Google Black Founder Fund winner expands energy-saving company

Feature Story Margaret O’Mara, author of “The Code’’ and “Cities of Knowledge,’’ says places like the Uptown District have potential to become America’s next Silicon Valley.

Uptown District in Tampa continues to grow, evolve

Feature Story AMRoC students working on robotics projects as a team.

AMRoC Fab Lab in Uptown Tampa fuses creativity with STEM

Feature Story The Community Foundation Tampa Bay has taken over administration of Digital Inclusion St. Pete, which is now also known as the Digital Inclusion Project, with plans to expand the program's work to bridge the digital divide.

Commentary: Bridging the urban digital divide

273 Articles | Page: